Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mission: Honeymoon

Welcome to our blog! Here we'll be chronicling our month-long journey across Europe (Greece, Italy, and France) for our belated honeymoon. We'll do some short updates and post some pictures to keep you updated on where we've been, what we've seen, and where we're going.

Our itinerary has changed somewhat since we planned it a year ago, and we're still flexible about where we're going, so keep your eyes peeled for some random excursions to untold places. Here's our itinerary as of now:

  • Greece: Thessaloniki; Philippi; Island of Samos; (Turkey: Ephesus); Island of Syros; Island of Santorini; Athens and Corinth
  • Italy: Rome; Tuscany; Venice; Dolomite mountain range; (Swiss alps?)
  • France: Provence region; (Barcelona?); Paris
Our plans in Italy and France are still very much up in the air - if you have any suggestions or experience traveling in the area, please send us an e-mail with your thoughts!

Our trip is largely centered around a few main themes. In Greece, we're focusing on the various places on the apostle Paul's multiple itineraries throughout the Macedonia and Achaia regions. After long days exploring ancient cities, we'll head to the beach, of course! In Italy, we'll be spending a lot of time on food, wine, and hiking. In France, we'll be shaping our travels around art...and, well, food and wine, of course....(it is France, after all!) Throughout our blog, we'll try to highlight some of the Word we're reading in these areas, some of the best meals/drinks we've stumbled across, and other quirky facts you may find interesting.

Thanks to everyone (so many of you!) who have helped support the trip in many ways - we're so grateful and blessed to be able to take this trip together! Feel free to shoot us an e-mail at any time, and we look forward to seeing you all soon!


Sarah and Jesse

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